Elements of noni: the noni tree

Elements of noni: the noni tree

noni tree

Elements of noni: the noni tree

There are many ways to utilize the noni tree for our benefit, and Morinda is proof of that

The noni tree is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s not just the noni fruit itself that Morinda has incorporated into their products. Instead, Morinda scientists have discovered how to utilize the noni fruit, leaves and seeds in order to bring wonderful health and beauty benefits to people all over the world.

And while Morinda was the first company to offer commercially available noni products, the use of all noni elements isn’t new. In Polynesia, the leaves, seeds, fruit, bark, stems, and all other parts of the noni plant have been traditionally used for vitality and to help the body’s natural ability to stay healthy.

Morinda has used all types of noni raw materials in our products over the years, most notably utilizing the fruit, seeds and leaves. But, they have actually used about 30 different specific noni raw elements in their products. That includes numerous different extracts or preparations of the fruit, seeds and leaves.

Some examples of these materials and the products they appear in: noni fruit concentrate (TruAge Max), noni fruit puree (Tahitian Noni Juice), noni seed powder (Noni Brightening Facial Refiner), noni seed oil (Tahitian Noni Essential Oils), noni seed extract (Noni Brightening Facial Mask), noni fruit juice (Body Balance Cream), noni fruit juice concentrate (Original Concentrate), noni leaf juice (Noni Leaf Serum), and noni leaf tea (TruAge Pure). Of course, many of our products feature multiple noni elements.

The most recent application for the elements of noni can be found in two new TeMana products: Skin Brightening Facial Refiner and Skin Brightening Body Refiner. Both products use noni seed powder-crushed-up noni seeds-to safely and effectively exfoliate the skin.

Oh, and there are many other noni raw materials (about another 30, in fact) that are available or under development, but not being currently used in any of the products. Who knows, in the future these materials may find their way into a new product.

What’s more, Morinda has gathered or conducted an incredible amount of research on noni raw fruit materials, Tahitian Noni Juice and other noni products, finding all sorts of benefits for all the elements of the noni fruit and tree.

If there’s a way to utilize the noni tree that will improve one’s quality of life, you better believe the brilliant scientists can find out how to implement it.

Text & Image © Morinda.com , Matt Hodge

Tahitian Noni Juice: from tree to bottle

Tahitian Noni Juice: from tree to bottle

from tree to bottle


Find out how Morinda’s flagship product is made

Have you ever wondered how Tahitian Noni Juice is made? The Tahitian Noni Juice production process is something Morinda is extremely proud of. Morinda is the only noni company in the world to own every step of the process, from tree to bottle, which means nothing moves forward until it meets the high standards of quality.

This post is here to introduce you to this magnificent process, and answer any questions you might have about the world’s most popular noni product.

Before we begin, though, we’d like to introduce you to the noni fruit. Noni fruit comes from the Morinda Citrifolia tree, and is a member of the coffee family. It grows abundantly in tropical climates, and especially on the tropical islands of French Polynesia. Its clean air, crystal clear water and nutrient-rich volcanic soil make French Polynesia the perfect place to grow big, beautiful, healthy noni fruit trees.

  • First, Tahiti contains rich volcanic soil that is unusually rich and fertile.
  • Second, Tahiti has clean, abundant rainfall.
  • Third, Tahiti has the ideal amount of sunshine.

When Morinda selected the specific locations for harvesting noni, it did so based on a number of tests. Morinda made sure that the local soil, water, and even air all met the high standards they needed. And science supports that they chose correctly. For example, a study was conducted in which noni leaves from different locations were studied for their flavonoid concentration. Flavonoids are plant compounds that are found in almost all fruits and vegetables, and that contain health-promoting benefits. The study showed that noni leaves from Tahiti had a higher flavonoid content than leaves from Tonga, Panama or Saipan. Additional studies have compared the chemical markers of noni fruit content or the mineral content of various commercial noni juice products, finding Tahitian Noni Juice to be of a higher standard. After all, when you harvest the best noni on earth, there’s a good chance you’ll have the best noni juice on earth! And that’s why Morinda will forever be proudly linked to Tahiti.

noni tree

The fruit grows year round and has such a pungent odor that it is commonly referred to as cheese fruit. This plant has been a staple in French Polynesia for thousands of years. It is prized for food and also medicinal purposes.

The steps for processing the noni fruit into Tahitian Noni Juice is not a simple task. It requires time and dedication to perfect this popular product.

noni fruits


Morinda hires native Tahitians to grow and harvest the noni fruit. Each noni farmer works with extreme care and takes great pride in their crop. None of the noni trees are treated with pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and each noni fruit is hand-picked at the peak of ripeness. Once the fruit is picked, each one is washed and inspected again to ensure the highest quality product.



Harvesters pack the fruit into drums and ship them to Morinda’s processing plant in Mataiea, the administrative center of the Teva I Uta commune on the island of Tahiti.

It should be said that Morinda has a wonderful relationship with the government of French Polynesia. The investment in their community was put on display when Morinda signed a long-term lease with the French Polynesian government to build and run their plant in Tahiti. This state-of-the-art facility employs many local Tahitians and processes all of the noni elements: the puree, leaf, and seed.

Tahiti building

Morinda is a huge innovator when it comes to utilizing the noni fruit to its maximum potential. Morinda is the only company that uses every element of the noni: fruit, leaf and seed. Regarding the noni seed, Morinda’s patented process of extracting oil, as well as their tremendous access to seeds (it takes 50,000 seeds to make just one ounce of oil!) means Morinda is the only company in the world that can produce this precious product.

For Tahitian Noni Juice, workers start with the noni fruit. They put it into the finisher to turn the fruit into puree by taking out all the other pieces such as seeds, stems, etc. They inspect the fruit again to guarantee the rich quality.


Workers pasteurize the puree and store it according to FDA standards since the USDA considers unpasteurized fruit dangerous. The product is then pasteurized again in each bottling facility. Multi-step pasteurization is crucial, and Morinda’s proprietary pasteurization process means the product is safe to consume, while it maintains the nutritional integrity of noni.

The Tahitian processing facility then tests the noni once again to for ripeness and acidity levels. Then, it is sent out for shipping. Depending where the factory ships the product, it takes about three weeks for the product from Tahiti to arrive in the United States.


When Morinda’s manufacturing facilities in the United States, China, Japan and Germany receive the product from the Tahitian processing facility, they immediately release the puree into production to turn it into Tahitian Noni Juice.

First, mixing machines add a proprietary blend of grape and blueberry juice to the noni puree for taste and added antioxidants. Then the mixture is poured into the pasteurizer again after the grape and blueberry blend is added to guarantee safety. A 36-head rotary filler pours juice into bottles as fast as 122 bottles per minute, and workers package the bottles to ship to satisfied customers around the globe.

The Company

Morinda is the noni company. Nobody knows noni like they so. Morinda owns the largest noni research facility in the world, and they are constantly making new and exciting discoveries about this miracle of nature every day. Morinda’s researchers have published dozens of studies in peer-reviewed journals, and have conducted numerous human clinical trials to learn all they can about noni. Morinda is dedicated to noni, and will make sure this product will stand the test of time.


Tahitian Noni Juice is the No. 1 noni product sold worldwide, and it’s partly due to the extreme care Morinda put into each step of the process. Their food scientists and product designers developed the process and recipe over 21 years ago, and Morinda knows it is a winner from all of the glowing reviews and compliments they receive from first-time and repeat customers.

Text & Image © Morinda.com , Kayla Fowler

Kelly Olsen talks Tahitian Noni Strong

Kelly Olsen talks Tahitian Noni Strong

Kelly Olsen Tahiti


Kelly Olsen shares an experience he had in Tahiti a number of years ago


Morinda’s theme for 2018 is Tahitian Noni Strong. Last month, Morinda Chief Marketing Officer Kelly Olsen shared some experiences he had on a trip to Tahiti. He talked about the incredible people and rich culture of French Polynesia. All of these experiences led Morinda to embrace the theme of Tahitian Noni Strong.

Marquesas Islands

Here’s his story:

“I went on a trip to the Marquesas Islands in 2004. I had an interesting experience that happened to me on the island of Hiva ‘Oa near the town of Atuona.

While I was there, a pickup truck came around the corner of the road and stopped right in front of us. The driver of that pickup truck recognized me and stopped. He introduced himself to us as Francis Bennett.

Francis Bennett

Frances was one of the first people in the Marquesas Islands to help us harvest noni. He is a true pioneer and visionary. I actually had the opportunity to stay at his home on a previous trip to Hiva O’a. We became good friends then, and seeing him on this day was amazing!

Noni harvestingFrances invited us to go to his house again. He showed us his noni operation. He had converted a large property next to his house to receive and sort the noni fruit, getting it ready to ship to Tahiti.

We had a very emotional experience together as he explained to me that at that time, everyone in his village was involved in our noni project. He explained to me that the Tahitians, and particularly the people of the Marquesas, feel that noni is their gift to the world. They love Morinda. They view Morinda as the way that their noni was offered to the world.

I’ve been all around the world to tell people about Tahitian Noni Juice. My vision began in 1996 and has grown steadily every year. I’ve seen the miracle of the perfect/private partnership that exists between Morinda and French Polynesia.

We have a very ambitious goal this year to complete a massive global outreach for Tahitian Noni. The theme Tahitian Noni Strong is our inspiration. Our goal is to reach 100 million new people with the news and blessing of Tahitian Noni and we want you to join our outreach! Learn more about Tahitian Noni on our website Morinda.com.”

Text & Image © Morinda.com , Kayla Fowler

Why Noni from Tahiti ?

Why Noni from Tahiti ?

Why Noni from Tahiti?

 We could get noni from other places, but Tahiti has the best noni.

  Did you know that noni can be found in places other than Tahiti? It grows in quite a few other places, in fact: Hawaii, Florida, Tonga, Panama, Saipan, India, Borneo, New Guinea, Australia, New Caledonia, Africa, the Caribbean, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guam, the West Indies, South America and Micronesia, among other places. Wow! Additionally, since noni is capable of being grown in all 50 of the United States (as long as the plants remain indoors during colder temperatures), that begs the following question: Why Tahiti? Why harvest noni in Tahiti, when we could grow or harvest noni much nearer to our headquarters in Utah? The answer is simple: Tahiti has the best noni on earth. That’s because Tahiti contains ideal conditions for growing this miracle of nature. The noni fruit thrives in Tahiti because of several factors.

  • First, Tahiti contains rich volcanic soil that is unusually rich and fertile.
  • Second, Tahiti has clean, abundant rainfall.
  • Third, Tahiti has the ideal amount of sunshine.

When Morinda selected the specific locations for harvesting noni, it did so based on a number of tests. We made sure that the local soil, water, and even air all met the high standards we needed. And science supports that we chose correctly. For example, a study was conducted in which noni leaves from different locations were studied for their flavonoid concentration. Flavonoids are plant compounds that are found in almost all fruits and vegetables, and that contain health-promoting benefits. The study showed that noni leaves from Tahiti had a higher flavonoid content than leaves from Tonga, Panama or Saipan. Additional studies have compared the chemical markers of noni fruit content or the mineral content of various commercial noni juice products, finding Tahitian Noni Juice to be of a higher standard. After all, when you harvest the best noni on earth, there’s a good chance you’ll have the best noni juice on earth! And that’s why our company will forever be proudly linked to Tahiti.

Text & Image © Morinda.com 

The heart of Morinda remains in tahiti

The heart of Morinda remains in tahiti

The heart of Morinda remains in Tahiti


When the pioneers of what would eventually become the company known as Morinda first visited Tahiti to find out about a mysterious yet miraculous fruit they had heard about, one could hardly predict what would come next.

Not only would that lead to the unbelievable global success story that is Morinda and Tahitian Noni Juice, but also an incredible relationship with French Polynesia that continues to this day. Morinda’s food scientists found noni, as well as a remarkable people that Morinda continue to have a thriving relationship with.

Of course, the initial discovery of noni could have been the end of our relationship with Tahiti. Noni grows in other parts of the world – quite a number of different locations, in fact. Morinda could have even chosen to plant noni trees in the United States, where the corporate headquarters reside. But Tahiti has something that no other locale can claim: the best noni on earth. Tahiti’s rich and fertile volcanic soil, clean and abundant rainfall, and an ideal amount of sunshine produce noni fruit that is second to no one.

And so, Morinda developed noni harvesting facilities in French Polynesia, creating thousands of new jobs and contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to the local economy.

But Morinda’s impact on Tahiti has gone far beyond that. Just as Tahiti has given us so much, Morinda have relished the opportunity to give back to Tahiti, so much so that Morinda received the Corporate & Social Responsibility Award from Tahiti at the United Nations headquarters.

Over the years, Morinda has donated thousands of textbooks, library books and hundreds of computers to schools across French Polynesia. That is all in addition to awarding tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships for higher education to Tahitian youth. Since 1998, Morinda had contributed to the French Polynesia Scholarship Fund at BYU-Hawaii, which was designed to be awarded to young students originating from the Tahitian islands of Bora Bora and Moorea.

Morinda has also provided aid to Tahiti in times of distress, such as last year when the country suffered heavy flooding and landslides that destroyed roads and bridges, left more than 6,000 homes without power, and destroyed more than 800 homes. The company was able to provide 45 major household appliances to families in need.

One particularly proud association Morinda enjoys with Tahiti is with the orphanage knows as SOS Village Papara. Morinda has provided playground sets, school materials and Christmas presents to the orphanage. In addition, in 2014 Morinda hosted a group of children and caretakers from the orphanage at the International Leadership Conference in Los Angeles, so they could be presented with a generous donation from Morinda distributors from Japan.

Finally, Morinda has also enjoyed a warm and ongoing relationship with various French Polynesian political leaders. Morinda has hosted Tahitian presidents, mayors and other officials at the events and headquarters in the United States. And if there are any doubts about how much Morinda means to Tahiti, just listen to the comments from a former and current president of French Polynesia.

Text & Image © Morinda.com, Matt Hodge

Tahitian Noni Juice

Tahitian Noni Juice

Tahitian Noni Juice


Try as you might, you won’t be able to find anything like Tahitian Noni Juice anywhere you search.

Oh sure, there’s no shortage of health supplements on the market, but none can replicate the incredible power of the noni superfruit. And yes, there have been imitation noni products released by other companies, but none have come close to Tahitian Noni Juice’s potency.

Tahitian Noni Juice truly is the premier product for a healthy lifestyle. It combines centuries-old knowledge of incredible natural health benefits with modern research and science, delivering a supplement that has truly and legitimately changed lives for the better.

Loaded with more than 150 nutrients, Tahitian Noni Juice will make you healthier, give you more energy, and help strengthen and balance the whole body. It’s been validated by a number of scientific studies and clinical trials, not to mention countless testimonials from over the years. It is currently enjoyed by people in countries all around the world, and shows no signs of slowing down or fading away.

If you are even remotely concerned with living healthy, Tahitian Noni Juice needs to be a part of your daily routine. Only then can you be Tahitian Noni Strong.

Text & Image © Morinda.com