In Search of Earth`s Best
The Mission Statement
“From the very beginning, the mission has been a simple one: to use the power of nature to help people live healthier, longer lives. Everything we’ve done — from product development to packaging to business innovation — has helped us accomplish that mission.
Today we’re more committed than ever to helping people achieve their true age and live younger longer. We do this by seeking out nature’s healthiest creations and making them available in a way that provides real benefit for people everywhere. It’s a philosophy we call Earth’s Best, and it symbolizes perfectly the past, present, and future of our company.”
True to our Origins.
Driven by our Destiny.
Origins & Destiny

400 AD
Ancient Tahitians discover the medicinal power of noni fruit
Captain James Cook becomes the first European to study and record noni`s benefits.
Dr. Heinicke conducts noni research for Dole.
He proposes the Xeronine theory – the first attempt to explain the efficacy of noni.

Food scientists John Wadsworth and Stephen Story receive the first raw
sample of noni and establish health benefits in early tests.

The destiny of Morinda is revealed on Nuka Hiva
During his legendary trip to French Polynesia, John Wadsworth experiences
an epiphany about the destiny of noni and Morinda.

Morinda is born

Tahitian Noni® Juice becomes a global phenomenon
and launches the super fruit industry

The iconic green-glass bottle is unveiled. Morinda achieves
unparalleled success and solidifies its role as the industry
leader, innovator, and trendsetter.
The first human clinical study proving Tahitian Noni® Juice benefits
is released. Dozens more follow, establishing Morinda as the
industry leader in testing and validation.

Morinda scientists discover iridoids in noni
This breakthrough finding validates the health benefits of noni
and establishes Morinda as the world leader in iridoid research.
Morinda develops the world’s first liquid dietary
supplements with measured amounts of iridoids.
Morinda acquires liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
technology, solidifying its reputation as a research leader
and kicking off an extensive search for other iridoid sources.
Iridoids are found to dramatically reduce AGE formation and
prevent the damage AGEs cause, including premature aging,
illness, and disease.

MAX is launched
A revolutionary blend of five iridoid sources,
it’s the world’s most powerful AGE fighter
Morinda is pioneering the next era. As the world leader in AGE
awareness and protection, we are enabling people to live younger longer.